About us

The main objective of Thrive OX7 is to provide practical support to children of struggling families in the OX7 area who, for whatever reason, have a genuine, urgent need. Usually, this would be for a specific basic item such as toiletries, a bed to sleep on, basic clothing (that most of us take for granted), school uniform or equipment. We also help with carpet to cover bare floors following a sudden home move, as well as fridges and cookers.

Thrive OX7 is in touch with partnership schools’ Parent Support Advisors. As we have become more established and funds have grown, our network has extended to include social workers, local nursery school leaders and health visitors. The staff in these roles call on Thrive when they have a specific urgent request and Thrive provides it. Most importantly Thrive aims to remain invisible to those families it supports, respecting the pride of those that the organisation has been able to help.

The money required to fund this work is generated from fundraising events, local business support and from grant funding offered by organisations able to support small charities such as ours. Some of our wonderful donors and supporters are listed on our sponsors page.

We also have a fundraising page, should you wish to help make that little difference that could just have the greatest impact on a child’s life.